Maryland Theatre Collective
How does light influence theatre?
The Maryland Theatre Collective, a non-profit organization serving the Greater Baltimore region and surrounding areas, was born out of the merging of The Heritage Players, Inc. (founded in 1975) and The Baltimore Theatre Collective (founded in 2012). MTC strives to entertain, educate, and enliven theatrical communities through high quality performances and experiences.
This rebrand concept, created in collaboration with MTC, combines these historic theatre identities by celebrating the use of light, both literally in productions and metaphorically in illuminating untold stories. The triangular motif, a symbol for the extreme and dramatic forms in which light takes shape, is the backbone to the visual identity system. With it, MTC becomes a spotlight through which untold stories can be brought to life.
This rebrand concept, created in collaboration with MTC, combines these historic theatre identities by celebrating the use of light, both literally in productions and metaphorically in illuminating untold stories. The triangular motif, a symbol for the extreme and dramatic forms in which light takes shape, is the backbone to the visual identity system. With it, MTC becomes a spotlight through which untold stories can be brought to life.

At the Maryland Theatre Collective, every performance illuminates untold stories and amplifies voices. Our commitment to unveiling narratives drives a relentless passion that enriches lives and fosters positive change. This promise is at the core of who we are, how we communicate, and how we look.